Todd Kritzwiser
Pastor Todd made his first trip to Haiti with Open Door in 2010 right after the devastating earthquake. It was on this trip that God placed a love and burden in his heart for the Haitian people and a call to support Pastor Wiljean and the vision for ODH. On his 2nd trip in 2012 to dedicate the brand new ODH Orphanage, Todd met Doug Holliday for the first time and a genuine friendship emerged. Todd stepped onto the ODH Board of Directors in 2013 and took on the responsibility of reorganizing and directing our Child Sponsorship Program. This also included the oversight of redesigning our website which not only helped to improve the overall look and functionality but also involved our new online systems for child sponsorship.

In July of 2015, Todd officially accepted the role of U.S. Director for Open Door Haiti. In this capacity, he leads our ODH team in the United States as we work with individuals, companies, churches and organizations to bring about awareness of the work of the ministry in Haiti and to continue increasing our capacity to serve the ever-growing vision of Open Door in Haiti. Todd travels to Haiti multiple times a year where he works with mission teams as well as the Open Door Haitian leadership on processes and procedures as well as coaching them in personal growth, leadership training and overall ministry development.
Todd has over 30 years of leadership experience. Along with his role with ODH, he is also the Lead Pastor of Life Change Church in Milford, Ohio. Open Door Haiti is very thankful to the leadership of Life Change Church for giving Todd the freedom to serve as our US Director and the time they allow him for travel. He and his wife Jenny have 2 sons and live in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.
Todd is not paid a salary by ODH and lives by faith, raising 100% of his Open Door Haiti ministry expenses through the generous support of individuals, churches and organizations. To support Todd with a one time or monthly gift, click on the “support” picture below.