Open Door Haiti Churches
The village of Bois de Lance serves as the ODH Ministry Headquarters in Haiti. In this village of about 22,000 people, Open Door Haiti was birthed with Pastor Wiljean planting ODH’s first church in 1993. Thousands of lives have been changed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the ministry of this church. And now NEW Churches are being planted yearly. Currently, 32 Churches have been planted and are see lives changed for the glory of God. We believe that all of our ODH churches are good soil to sow into and we hope that you will prayerfully consider supporting one of the churches below by clicking on the “Support This Cause” at the bottom of the page. Your love gift will help support our pastors, plant NEW churches, grow ministry outreach as well as build facilities. You can help make a difference in the lives of so many Haitian people with your generous gift today!
Churches in North District of Haiti
Bois de Lance Church
Open Door Bois de Lance Church (founded in 1993)
Open Door Cap Haitien Church (founded in 2005)
Open Door Vaudreuil Church (founded in 2014)
Open Door DonDon Church (founded in 2017)
Open Door PeChaud Church (founded in 2005)
Open Door Fontaine Church (founded in 2014)
Open Door La Victoire Church (founded in 2015)
Open Door Pignon Church (founded in 2016)
Open Door Grande Ravine Church (founded in 1997)
Open Door Savane Gras Church (founded in 2015)
Open Door Savane Georges Church (founded in 2017)
Churches in East District of Haiti
Open Door Ouanaminthe Church #1 (founded in 2011)
Open Door Ouanaminthe Church #2 (founded in 2015)
Open Door Fort Liberte Church (founded in 2016)
Open Door Lagatte Church (founded in 2016)
Open Door St. Suzanne Church (founded in 2018)
Churches in the Central Plateau District of Haiti
Open Door Lacienne Church (founded in 2008)
Open Door Maguayave Church (founded in 2012)
Open Door Hinche Church (founded in 2016)
Open Door Maissade Church (founded in 2017)
Open Door PinCroix Church (founded in 2016)
Open Door Bas-La Cienne Church (founded in 2015)